Research Fees
Research within Chester County is $49/hour.
Research is conducted on an hourly basis.
The hourly rate is $49 per hour and there is a minimum of 5 hours ($245) per project.
The hourly rate is $49 per hour and there is a minimum of 5 hours ($245) per project.
Project Evaluation:
Each project will be evaluated and a research plan established in consultation with the client. The cost of the project will be determined and agreed upon in advance. Research will commence upon receipt of payment and at the projected timeframe.
Conducting the Research:
All research is personally conducted by me in the field or in the appropriate repository.
Discussion and Reporting:
All research follows the standards established by the Board for Certification of Genealogists and utilizes the Genealogical Proof Standard to draw conclusions. Time may impact the completeness of record evaluation. Reports will reflect project shortcomings.